Diary of an Apprentice Boatbuilder

This blog will follow my progress from the kind of guy that struggles to put up shelves to launching my own boat in 38 weeks.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Lofting the Boat

We have started lofting!  This is the process by which the 1" to the 1ft drawing becomes a full scale drawing from which one makes the moulds on which the boat will be built; every day is a school day.

We got off to a good start, no I mean that, it was a good start and it then continued to go well, we have our grid drawn and have the profile drawn including the all important sheer which looks 'fair', the challenge now is to ensure that we can fair the rest of the lines and create a flowing and attractive hull which is both see & sea worthy

 Drawing up a Table of Offsets

A few last minute adjustments

Ready to start the process!
A very large blank piece of Hardboard

Ben using a tick stick to mark in the level lines and water lines

Tomorrow we put in the Buttock Lines and start work on the Body Plan...