Diary of an Apprentice Boatbuilder

This blog will follow my progress from the kind of guy that struggles to put up shelves to launching my own boat in 38 weeks.

Saturday 3 September 2011


Having just checked I see that nothing has been posted since the 9 August, and the truth is that quite a lot has happened in the interim.

Having steamed the second garboard there followed the usual 10 days of increasing frustration as it refused to fit, added to which we lost 4 days learning how to apply paint and varnish.  Now it was fascinating and I learnt a great deal, it was not however the top of my list of priorities as I watched the days go by and what I jokingly called a Project plan rapidly becoming a greater work of fiction than the old British Rail Timetables!

Eventually, as an ever growing cloud of despondency formed over me, one of the tutors who had considerable experience of building clinker boats wandered over, sucked his teeth and calmly said 'That is a really nasty bit of planking, would you like a hand.' I think he was marginally embarrassed as I kissed the hem of his garment.

There are very few people can cut to within a couple of mm with a large mallet and 1' chisel, fortunately Justin is one of them and a combination of his experience, enthusiasm, and drive quickly moved us forward and we were able to get several planks on, and while not without problems, achieved the tuck and succeeded in making the turn onto the transom before I left for Italy leaving the next stages in the tender loving care of Justin and Ben.

More to follow...