Diary of an Apprentice Boatbuilder

This blog will follow my progress from the kind of guy that struggles to put up shelves to launching my own boat in 38 weeks.

Monday 14 March 2011

Day 1

OK I know I said this would be a weekly event, but I thought first day would be a good way to start.

Day started with a Health and Safety brief and tour of the workshop, at the finish of which we were huddled in a corner trying to avoid anything and everything, the entire contents of the workshop clearly has our dismemberment as its sole intent.  We have all taken out Season Tickets at the local A&E.

So to Tool sharpening, what could possibly go wrong, it was all going so well until I succeeded in bring my thumb into contact with the grinding wheel; nothing plastic surgery can't sort out.

Then the first 'exercise'; well how difficult can it be to plane a piece of sawn timber so all the sides are flat and at right angles to each other... Now a poor workman never blames his tools, however I swear that piece of timber was sniggering, it is called knotty pine for a very good reason.

This is serious immersion teaching and is going to be great fun... more to follow.