Diary of an Apprentice Boatbuilder

This blog will follow my progress from the kind of guy that struggles to put up shelves to launching my own boat in 38 weeks.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Day 3

So we progress, we have now learnt a bit about hull types, methods of construction, had the idiots guide to boat parts, including such wonderful terms as 'grown knees', 'carlins', and 'futtocks', and all before coffee.

The past two days have been spent tackling the technicalities of scarf joints and notched scarf joints, glueing, and fastening with copper nails and roves (hence the expression 'rove up tight', I jest not). I succeeded on my second attempt in achieving a passable notched scarf and more importantly then glued it without attaching myself to either the work or the bench. (The joint is meant to be a hairline fit, mine resembles the Grand Canyon, however as our tutor pointed out, it is day 3 and I might like to cut myself some slack... that I pointed out was the problem with the joint. It got a laugh!)

We all enjoyed nailing, between us we produced a considerable quantity of bent nails and split timber, copper nails require tender loving care, not a whack with a large hammer, and I won't even mention the problems we had with dollies.

Tomorrow's challenge is a double notched scarf joint.

I appear however to have mastered the sharpening of planes and chisels, you test the edge by shaving a few hairs off your arm, I have a growing bald patch on my left forearm as evidence of my improving skills with a grinding wheel and diamond block.

Today we had an initial discussion on what boats, if any, we wished to construct during the building phase of the course which will start in June.  We have 18 on our course and 13 people want to build boats which is presenting some difficulties.

I am learning patience... which some that know me may say is somewhat belated.

More to follow...