Diary of an Apprentice Boatbuilder

This blog will follow my progress from the kind of guy that struggles to put up shelves to launching my own boat in 38 weeks.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Oak is HEAVY!

Oak is heavy!

Something of an understatement and at the moment it all seems to be about manhandling large and awkward chunks of boat.  For example the keel is 17 feet long and 3 inches by 2 inches, the stem is a pice of 3x2 laminate that is nearly 6 feet long, and the whole lot is stuck together, not the easiest piece of carpentry to manhandle.

Keel, Hog, Stem and Apron and Stern Knee without the transom!
Fortunately, we have made significant progress today and I am hopeful that we will get the various rabbets and back rabbets cut tomorrow and the centre line assembled at the latest by friday.  If we can achieve that we should be able to get back on the programme by the end of next week and be planking-up.

Today has also been a day of designing the Centre Plate box which we will have to construct and fit as a matter of some urgency as it needs to be in place once the garboards are fitted.  The other slight problem is that the wether has undergone a fundamental change and I could really due with low humidity at the moment...