Diary of an Apprentice Boatbuilder

This blog will follow my progress from the kind of guy that struggles to put up shelves to launching my own boat in 38 weeks.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

So where are we now...

That is a very good question, this is definitely a three steps forward, three steps back... not quite but it seems like that sometimes.  Progress has not matched the rather over-ambitious plan that I had in place but I have every hope that we will catch up this week, or at least get ourselves a little more on track.

All the components of the centreline are now pretty well completed and we have glued in the part of the deadwood, I know that the idea is usually to remove deadwood, in this case we are gluing it in, its a funny old business!

One of the major issues has been cutting the rabbets, this should be a very simple case of accurately measuring the revolved sections on the lofting, plotting the lines and then planing away the waste and hey presto, you have a perfect 90% rabbet into which your planking stock will slide ready to be obediently nailed into place HA HA peels of hysterical laughter.  It doesn't quite work like that, so having carefully drawn your lofting, working to the mm; having carefully transferred those measurements to the building stock, working to the mm, and battening of the marks to produce an accurate line; You totally ignore it and leave at least 2-3 mm waste to allow for vagaries in the planking stock and for 'movement'. (If all else fails there is always glue!!!)

The learning process continues to be great fun and confidence is growing with each day so I am optimistic that we will soon regain the lost ground...

Pictures to follow